Wednesday, 22 February 2012

iVigil: An innovative tribute to an innovator

Crowdocracy’s first child – iVigil - is now ready for launching a crowdfunding campaign. iVigil is a cause marketing technology that has the potential to disrupt the cause marketing industry. iVigil is being introduced as a tribute to Steve Jobs and undertakes to relive the historical 30 million anti-war protest of Feb 15, 2003. Entering the 10th year of the biggest protest in human history iVigil launched a dedicated website and a Feb 15 video. also released a video tribute to Steve Jobs on the eve of his 57th birth anniversary on 24th, February. Check out this unique tribute here:

Well, iVigil is finally ready to launch its crowdfunding campaign, and the date chosen is obviously February 24, 2012. Check out a special preview of the iVigil crowdfunding campaign video here (this video is still unpublished and only for review of a closed group of audience)

Tuesday, 21 February 2012

The Beginning

An idea to develop a technology-enabled platform was first conceived in LinkedIn as a consequence of a discussion that ideated an innovation. That was early 2011. The innovation turned out to be a potential product that could possibily disrupt the functional foods market. To develop that disruptive innovation further and also to build up the IT-enabled platform that would enable collective development of such innovations in the crowd on a regular basis, a special LinkedIn group was formed. That LinkedIn group became the predecessor of what we now prefer to call Crowdocracy.

Crowdocracy essentially brings together within LinkedIn, entrepreneurs, inventors, social media marketers committed to sharing each other’s expertise in developing and spinning off ventures in the crowd. Qualified Co-Founders of each of such ventures are LinkedIn members who contribute their skills only for equity in these ventures. Crowdocracy is now getting ready to launch its first venture: iVigil. Check out the iVigil crowd funding video:


Monday, 20 February 2012